
  • Call for Nominations for 2022 Honors

    Deadline for nominations is February 4, 2022.

  • A New Alliance

    ASLA, Land8 Media, LLC, and the LABash Conference, Inc. have joined forces.

  • A New Collaboration


  • ASLA 2022 Call for Presentations Now Open


  • Call for Entries for 2022 Awards


  • Support Licensure for Diverse Women

    Donate today to a new ASLA Fund program that will help more women landscape architects achieve success through financial support, mentorship, and LARE Prep.

  • 公园

    In Queens, New York, the next generation of waterfront park is here. Hunter's Point South by Thomas Balsley Associates and Weiss Manfredi shows how cities can transform their industrial waterfronts into healthy community magnets that will outlast any storm.

  • Campuses


  • Memorials

    In Beirut, Lebanon, the scene of decades of violence, a new memorial by Vladimir Djurovic Landscape Architecture honors Gebran Tueni, a journalist assassinated by a car bomb. Stones etched with his name are meant to be taken, as they are continuously replenished.

  • Reuse

    The Navy abandoned Philadelphia's Navy Yard in the mid-1990s but left a rich legacy of infrastructure and buildings that became the headquarters for Urban Outfitters. D.I.R.T. Studio salvaged left-over materials, reworking them into something boldly new.

  • 住宅设计

    In Sagaponack, New York, the Atlantic Ocean is slowly encroaching due to climate change. To escape rising tides, a couple moved their house 400 feet inland. There, LaGuardia Landscape Architects recreated the historic coastal landscape of dunes and meadows.

  • 城市振兴

    Through an ambitious new plan, a multi-disciplinary team at Sasaki Associates is helping to revitalize TechTown, a knowledge district in midtown Detroit. The goal is to create a hub for innovation and collaboration through improvements to the public realm.

  • 雨园

    CADDO Parish,路易斯安那州,每年都有5到6英尺的雨。Jeffrey Carbo景观建筑师而不是冲洗到山沟进入山沟,而是设计了一个漂亮的雨水收获和排水系统,这使得水通过景观可见。

  • Ecological Restoration

    At Young Nick's Head, a peninsula on the east coast of New Zealand, Nelson Byrd Woltz Landscape Architects are transforming a 3,000-acre sheep farm into a wildlife sanctuary. To improve biodiversity, both saltwater and freshwater wetlands are being restored.

  • 绿色屋顶

    芝加哥的这种绿色屋顶不仅冷却空气和吸收雨水,而且每年生产1000磅的有机食品。Hoers Schaudt景观建筑师设计了这个Gary Comer青年中心的避风港,也是一个学习环境。

  • Transportation

    在新奥尔良,3英里长的Lafitte Greenway,占地大约50英亩的贫瘠土地,将成为可持续的运输走廊。景观建筑公司设计研讨会与市政府建立了一个线性绿色公园。